Meet Nicole


Nicole Mulliken, Holistic Health Practitioner

Nicole Mulliken, Sacred Reflections Owner

A true nurturer who is passionate about helping others to be healthy & vibrant again, along with seeing life in a new perspective. She works with clients that are ready for and want change. She believes everyone can be healed, and not only can they be healed but they can heal themselves through their own intuitive knowledge & self awareness.

Having spent over a decade in healthcare, including allopathic and Alternative health, Nicole has a unique approach with a broad spectrum of knowledge and experiences. After leaving the nursing field in 2007, Nicole focused her studies in the metaphysical modalities. Her teachings and certifications include: Reiki Master, certification in Sound Healing, studies in Mediumship and Shamanism, and extensive work in Energy Healing and Spirituality.

In Nicole’s sessions, clients learn to restore a deep spiritual connection within themselves, promoting balance and wholeness in life. This connection allows an opening for opportunities & miracles to take place.

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My Story

My story starts with a Life-Altering Experience...that came in the form of a dream.

In November of 2011, I began my spiritual journey, a visit from God.  This awakening happened in a time of my life that felt really intense, I was recognizing ongoing cycles of physical discomfort and emotional pain that kept repeating Itself.  I remember telling my husband “I don’t feel right in my own skin” and I didn’t know how to explain it, I could only feel it.

It was early morning around 4 am when I suddenly became conscious, I could see that I was in my bedroom, and in my bed.  I remember it like it was yesterday…it happened so fast but my perception was that time stood still. I could see a light that appeared above me as I lay in my bed. It was bright, so bright and luminous, I remember being surprised that I could look at it and it wasn't hurting my eyes.  In that very moment I began to feel these waves of warmth, the feeling was almost Indescribable, it felt so warm and comforting, like when you lay out in the sun and your body just absorbs the warmth. As I was taking this all in, I knew this was a feeling of the purest pleasure. My attention was still on the bright light when  a male hand and forearm emerged from the light reaching out towards me.  In an instant, I KNEW who this was, I didn’t even think about it, I just knew and my body automatically reacted with a  loud “Awwwe,” and that’s what I heard myself expressing, again and again the sounds of “Awwwe” loudly.  I remember being in amazement by his presence. I had the awareness that the communication  between us was telepathic, but loud and clear. “You are coming to take me” my heart leaped with joy in that moment.  I felt so at peace and I was excited to be going with him!  Then  I heard a chuckle, it was amused but kind, and he said “NO … I am here to show you that I am real."  That sentence changed my whole life… he is REAL and he hears me talking to him!  For about a week I walked around in a daze, I only began to share this experience after the haze of disbelief had started to lift.  My husband had reported later that day when he arrived home, that he was stunned by what he saw and heard early that morning. He was getting ready for work when he heard me sing out loudly in Awwe and then watching me lift my arms up and open them wide while still laying in bed, appearing to be deeply asleep. He told me he walked over and touched my forehead to feel for a fever. I did not wake up.

I have been married for over 20 years. My husband is a very patient and supportive man who has allowed me the space to grow and find my place in this world. I am also a mother of three beautiful souls who are the real teachers in my life, filling me with joy and unconditional love. The things that are important to me in life are God, my family, my friends,  and of course my connection with helping others. When I was young I entered the nursing field because I felt compelled to do so.  At that time I knew I had a deep compassion for being of service to others, But little did I know that my innate abilities as an empathic being was truly emerging into my consciousness, I could feel it  so deeply within my body and heart.