Frequently Asked Questions


What to Expect and FAQs

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What is Energy Healing Therapy?

Energy Healing Therapy (EHT) balances the flow of energy in and around the body.

Will I have to undress?

All clients will stay completely clothed with only removal of shoes and items such as glasses and certain pieces of jewelry.

How does it work?

The hands of the therapist are placed on or above various parts of the body encouraging movement of energy to release and rebalance energy. Clients can choose between above the body or hands-on techniques.

When will i notice improvement?

Everybody heals at a different pace. So please be aware that this is a therapy. Some changes are immediate and some deeper, long held energies take time to release.
Each client is very unique and the amount of visits will vary depending on the clients energy system. 

What does the treatment feel like?

The sessions are very relaxing and therapeutic. Clients feel a deep state of calm and relaxation during the session.

What can i expect after treatment?

Clients have reported:

  • Mental and emotional release

  • Relief of anxiety

  • Balancing of hormones

  • Relief of depression

  • Remedied in feeling a disconnection from the body

  • Decline in emotional and physical pain from trauma

  • Improved happiness and emotional well being

  • Faster recovery after injury or surgery

  • Relief from gastrointestinal discomfort

  • Decrease in side effects of medical treatments such as chemotherapy

  • Increased energy and vitality